Q) Now that Apple has announced that MacOS Mojave will be the last OS to support 32-bit apps, what does this mean for soundBlade?
A) soundBlade 2.3.x has been approved for use with Mojave 10.14.x for quite some time. There were some initial issues affecting audio with that OS which were beyond the control of audio app manufacturers. But those have been ironed out by Apple and there are many Sonic customers using Mojave 10.14.4, including us here in our lab.
The only issues we are aware of are:
- The Delete Prefs app no longer runs; prefs will need to be deleted manually. See KB article here for details.
- Sonic Studio Process no longer runs.
- 64-bit only plug-ins are not recognized in soundBlade.
Other that that all core sB functionality is OK.
That said, Mojave will be the last macOS that will run soundBlade. In the next macOS, Apple has announced end-of-life for running 32-bit apps like soundBlade. If you absolutely have to upgrade to Mojave, it should work fine. If you don’t need to upgrade then stay in 10.13-land.